Monday, September 7, 2009

Course visit and design

Today Jake and I visited BTSC and started to lay out some ideas for the course. There are a lot of portions on the actual motocross track, but we will also have a nice "typical" grass crit section with some tight turns to vary the riding surface.

More important than just getting the lay of the land was the ability to actually ride the course and plan out features like run-ups. Due to my collarbone injury I was unable to ride, but Jake filled in my stead. I played photographer for the day.

Click on the thumbnail for a larger version or visit the Picasa gallery.

Part of the start/lap/finish area. As each lap finishes, racers will take some turns in the dirt and probably hit a barrier set before joining with the starting lane and beginning the next lap.

A view from some bleachers outside the course. Spectators can see 100% of the course from most positions. Note that we're NOT using that giant hill on the left. We're not that crazy.

This dog chased Jake around. Dogs are allowed on race day, but not on the course!

Jake gives the dog "the look" as he dispatches his nemesis.

Making a turn after the whoops section.

There's a steep ride-up on the backside of that mound.

Approaching the run-up.

Far too steep to ride.

Almost over. The run-up is pretty short but very steep, despite the view the camera gives.

Cresting the top of the run-up.

In the whoops section.

The whoops will likely be ridden BOTH ways.

The whoops as seen from the run-up.

This tunnel was cool, but we think it would be too dangerous in traffic. Not to mention the stagnant water...

The motocross guys were out there showing us up. A couple have heard about the race and told us they would definitely be there to watch. Sweet.

Here's a rough map that Jake made of the course. I didn't photograph the grass section near the top of the course, but rest assured it will be in there. Note the double pit. It took Jake about 7 minutes to complete lap at speed. Your times may vary...


Unknown said...

This is so cool, too bad I have an event in DC on Sunday the 25th or I would make the drive up and race this event for sure!

Colin R said...

Dudes, this is looking good!

I can't attend because I have to go grovel for a UCI point in Maine that day, but send me an ad (120x120px) for and I'll give you a few weeks free ad space, if you want.

stack said...

If you want some insight on course design at a motocross park, check out we've been racing at ADVMX 15-20 weeks a year for the last 4 years. The trick is to get them to not "prep" the track and to get some water down to firm it up.

Good luck, and have fun!

Andrew Stackhouse
Pirate Race Productions

Brian said...

yeah, they said they would holding off on prepping the track for their race the next day. There would be nothing fun about slogging through loose dirt the entire time.

We talked to them about watering to keep dust to a minimum, but we're kind of hoping nature will take care of it for us.
